FamilySearch Community Trees» – SØKESIDE
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15 nye bygdebøker (nå 37)
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OBS: Jeg skrev før at søkesiden ikke kompatibel med de norske bokstavene -æ, -ø og – å, men jeg har nå prøvd både -Åse, -Pål og -Øystein, og alle gikk bra. Jeg snakket med en som har jobbet på dette prosjektet i 5 år og hun fortalte de la inn -æ, -ø og -å.
Akershus. Aurskog Clerical District. This database is the lineage-linked extraction of the two-volume bygdebok for Aurskog. Aurskog Clerical District consists of two parishes: Aurskog and Blaker. Aurskog Clerical District is part of Nedre Romerike region. The author often used variants of given names as Kristoffer and Christopher. ADDED Jun 2012
Aust-Agder. Valle Clerical District. This database is the initial step in publishing data for Valle Clerical District. This data is extracted from the six-volume bygdebok for Valle. To this will be added census records and church book records. Valle is part of the region Setesdal. The author of the bygdebok has standardized many of the given names. Use Ingebjørg for Ingeborg, and Olav for Ola or Ole in searching. ADDED Jan 2012
Buskerud. Sandsvær Clerical District. This database is a lineage linked extraction of genealogical data from seven volumes of the bydgeboks for Sandsvær Clerical District in Buskerud County, Norway. UPDATED Dec 2012
Hordaland. Alversund Clerical District. This Community Tree contains data extracted and merged from 3 Volumes of Bybedbok for Alversund and parts of one Alenfit book covering parishes in Alversund. ADDED Jun 2014
Hordaland. Austevoll Clerical District. This Community Tree is the results of merging the extracted data taken from the two Bygdeboks for Austevoll Clerical District. ADDED Jul 2014
Hordaland. Evanger Clerical District. This Community Tree is the results of merging the extracted data taken from the two Bygdeboks for Evanger Clerical District. ADDED Jul 2014
Hordaland. Røldal Clerical District. TThis Community Tree contains data extracted from the Bygdebok for Rødal Clerical District that was merged to create one inter-connected genealogy database. ADDED Jul 2014
Hordaland. Ulvik Clerical District. This Community Tree is the results of merging the data from 3 volumes of Bygdebok for the Ulvik Clerical District into one file. ADDED Jul 2014
Hordaland. Vossestrand Clerical District. This Community Tree contains data extracted from the Bygdebok for Vossestrand Clerical District that was merged to create one inter-connected genealogy database. ADDED Jul 2014
Oppland. Biri Clerical District. This database represents initial data from Biri Clerical District in Oppland County, Norway. It was extracted from volume 3 of the bygdebok for Biri Clerical District. Later we will add census data and church book data. Biri Clerical District is composed of two parishes, Biri Parish and Snertingdal Parish. Biri Clerical District is part of the Toten Region. ADDED Aug 2011
Oppland. Dovre Clerical District. This database represents the initial lineage-linked and sourced data from Dovre Clerical District in Oppland County, Norway. It is extracted from the four-volume bygdebok for the clerical district. The clerical district consists of only one parish also named Dovre. ADDED Nov 2012
Oppland. Etnedal Clerical District. This database represents initial genealogical data from the clerical district of Etnedal in Oppland County, Norway. The data was extracted from the three-volume bygdebok for Etnedal and is lineage-linked and sourced. Etnedal is composed of two parishes, Bruflat Parish and Nordre Etnedal Parish, and it is not part of a region. ADDED Oct 2013
Oppland. Gausdal Clelrical District. This Tree is the results of merging the Bygdebok data for Gausdal Clerical District. ADDED Jun 2014
Oppland. Lesja Clerical District. This database is the results of merging all of the data from three volumes of the Lesja Bygdebok. ADDED Jan 2014
Oppland. Lom Clerical District. This database is the lineage-linked extraction of the genealogical data from the four-volume bygdebok for Lom Clerical District in Oppland County. Lom Clerical District consists of three parishes: Lom, Bøverdal, and Garmo. The author has used -sson and -dotter endings on the patronymics. ADDED Sep 2012
Oppland. Nordre Land Clerical District. The genealogical data for this clerical district was extracted from volumes 8, 9, and 10 of the bygdebok for Land Region. Nordre Land Clerical District is composed of three parishes: Østsinni, Nordsinni, and Torpa. Land Region consists of two clerical districts: Søndre Land and Nordre Land. Søndre Land is already online, and eventually we will combine these two clerical districts to create the Land Region database. ADDED Jun 2012
Oppland. Østre Toten Clerical District. This database represents the first step in publishing genealogical data for the Østre Toten Clerical District in Oppland County, Norway. The data was captured from the bygdeboks for Østre Toten and is lineage linked. ADDED May 2012
Oppland. Skjaak Clerical District. This file contains the merged records of the Skjaak Aettebok (family book), since there is no bygdebok. Census and parish register extraction will be added at a later date. This database contains records for 11,903 individuals. ADDED Dec 2010
Oppland. Sør-Aurdal Clerical District. Norway project by FamilySearch International Family Reconstitution team to build community family trees for the several clerical districts of Norway. Extraction of data from the 4-volume bygdebook, plus census data from parish registers. UPDATED Mar 2011
Oppland. Søndre Land Clerical District. This database represents the initial step in publishing lineage-linked genealogical data for Søndre Land Clerical District in Oppland County Norway. The data comes from the two-volume bygdebok for the district. The author used an -ssøn ending for male patronymics; however, the extractor and those cleaning the data generally used an -sen ending for male patronymics. The books were unique in that there was genealogical data in the text as well as in descendancy charts at the end of each book. ADDED Mar 2012
Oppland. Sør-Fron Clerical District. This file is the results of merging the data from the Bygdebok, 1865 and 1900 Norway Census, and Christening records (from the International Genealogical Index) for the Sør-Fron Clerical District in Oppland County, Norway. The merged file contains 37,199 individuals and 11,513 marriages.ADDED Nov 2010
Oppland. Vang Clerical District. This database represents the initial presentation of genealogical data for Vang Clerical District in Oppland County extracted from the three-volume set of the bygdebok. Vang is one of the 5 clerical districts in Valdres Region. ADDED Aug 2012
Oppland. Vestre Slidre Clerical District. This is the initial step in publishing genealogical data for Vestre Slidre Clerical District in Oppland County, Norway. This data was extracted from the one-volume bygdebok for Vestre Slidre, and data from censuses and parish registers will be added later. Vestre Slidre is part of Valdres Region, and this data will eventually be merged with the data from the other clerical districts that are also part of that region to create a regional database. ADDED Jun 2011
Vest-Agder. Åseral Clerical District. This is data extracted from two volumes of Bygdebok that was merged together for the Åseral Clerical District. ADDED Dec 2013
Vest-Agder. Holum Clerical District. This Tree is the merged data from four volumes of Bygdebok data for the Holum Clerical District. ADDED Apr 2014
Vest-Agder. Mandal Clerical District. This tree contains the merged data from the two Bygdeboks for the Mandal Clerical District. ADDED Mar 2014
Oppland. Vestre Toten Clerical District. This database is the initial step in publishing genealogical data for Vestre Toten Clerical District. The data was extracted by missionaries and volunteers from the one-volume bygdebok for Vestre Toten. To this will be added extracted church book records and census records. UPDATED Jun 2012
Oppland. Østre Slidre Clerical District. This database represents initial data from Østre Slidre Clerical District in Oppland County, Norway. It is extracted from two bygdeboks for the clerical district. Later churchbook data and census data will be merged with it. Østre Slidre is one of the clerical districts of Valdres Region, and eventually will be merged with data from the other clerical districts of Valdres Region. ADDED Jun 2011
Østfold, Hvaler Clerical District. This database is the lineage-linked extraction of the two-volume bygdebok for Hvaler. Hvaler Clerical District consists of only one parish, which was historically called Hvaler as well. ADDED Sep 2012
Sogn og Fjordane. Bremanger Clerical District . This Community Tree is the results of merging the data from the two volumes of Bygdebok data for Bremanger. ADDED May 2014
Sogn og Fjordane. Førde Clerical District. This Tree is the results of merging the extracted data (names and life events) from the two volumes of Bygdebok for this Clerical District. ADDED May 2014
Sogn og Fjordane. Hyllestad Clerical District. Sogn og Fjordane. Hyllestad Clerical District. This database represents initial genealogical data from the clerical district of Hyllestad in Sogn og Fjordane County of Norway. The data was extracted from the two-volume bygdebok for Hyllestad and is lineage-linked and sourced. Hyllestad Clerical District consists of three parishes: Hyllestad, Bø, and Øn. Hyllestad Clerical District is one of five clerical districts in the region Sogn, Ytre. ADDED Dec 2012
Telemark. Kveiteseid Clerical District . Bygdebok data gathered and merged to create the Community Tree for Kveiteseid Clerical District. ADDED Feb 2014
Telemark. Nissedal Clerical District. This Tree contains the data from two volumes of Bygdebok for Nissedal Clerical District that have been extracted and merged into on Tree. ADDED Jul 2014
Vest-Agder. Fjotland Clerical District. This database represents initial genealogical data from the clerical district of Fjotland in Vest-Agder County of Norway. The data was extracted from the one-volume bygdebok for Fjotland and is lineage-linked and sourced. Fjotland Clerical District consists of only one parish, Fjotland Parish. Fjotland Clerical District is one of five clerical districts in the region Kvinesdal and Sirdal. ADDED Dec 2012
Vestfold. Lardal Clerical District. This database represents the first step in publishing genealogical data for the Lardal Clerical District in Vestfold County, Norway. The data was captured from the bygdeboks for Lardal and is lineage linked. ADDED May 2012
Vestfold. Tjølling Clerical District. The data in this database represents the initial step in publishing lineage-linked data for Tjølling Clerical District in Vestfold County. The data was extracted from the two volumes of the Tjølling bygdebok and represents 17,426 individuals. ADDED Dec 2011
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